Saturday, August 9, 2008

Galveston June 08

Here are some surf fishing pics from our Galveston trip. The small fish are sand trout, I think.
Jake hooked this redfish and had a real fight on his hands. I can't believe it didn't break the 8 lb-test line on his Zebco.
After dark the ghost crabs come out on the beach. Jake had a blast catching them and had a jar full in about 30 minutes. Most of them are about 2-3 inches across, and they are VERY fast.


Gregg Nichols said...

Looks like fun times for you boys! We need to get a 4-wheeler ride together soon.

Mommy said...

Are y'all coming down for Ren Fest? We'd love to meet up with you if you are or if you need somewhere to crash a night, holler at us.